How to attach the doll's hair?




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There are lots of variants for creating a hairstyle for a doll.

Crochet, glue, sew, attach with knots, felt or make it “growing” from the head, and so on.

The method, which will be discussed in the video, is quite simple to perform, and does not require a lot of time.

I approximately divide the head into two parts and fasten the hair with different frequencies, using acrylic yarn or embroidery thread, creating the effect of growing hair.

In this case, “bald patches” may appear, because I don’t fasten the hair into every loop.

You can get rid of them by initially crocheting the part where the hair “grows” with yarn with the color of the hair, or you can do as I tell in this video.

By the way, after attaching, in the case of using acrylic yarn, the hair can be combed, as shown in the tutorial on combing hair, and you will get a completely different hairstyle.


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